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Messages from The Management

Home Messages from The Management

Message From The Desk Of Founders


Late Smt. Sneh Lata Gupta & Sri J.P. Gupta always cherished the idea to start an educational institute which would provide the best quality education to the pupils. In realization of their dream project they initiated a school in a small house which was later on raised as a Senior Secondary School named “Adarsh Vidya Niketan Sr. Sec. School, Sector-19,Faridabad” affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.

The term ‘education’ encompasses more than just knowledge and knowing. It is a harmonious blend of academia, arts, sports, emotions, attitudes, creativity, nature and life itself! And in the world we have built today, the one who is adept in all these areas is the one who succeeds.
As an educator I had an earnest desire to build up an institution where an education blended in all colours of human values could be given and today I feel proud to say that my lofty dream of a quality institution is taking shape through it. Today AVNSSS is one of the fastest growing schools of the city because of the high standards it has set for itself in providing excellent education and living up to its school motto of laying the foundation of education on the tried pillars of humility, character and righteousness.
I have always believed that, “Excellence is never an accident; it’s always the result of high intention, sincere efforts, intelligent direction and skilful execution.” These words of wisdom best describe the present state of the AVNSSS.
I give all my blessings to the AVNSSS, to the staff, students, parents and all those associated with this Institution. I pray that God, in His divine benevolence, continues to lead and guide this prestigious Institution for generations to come.

Message From The Desk Of Chairman


Education is the basis of all progress. Progress is possible only, if men and women are equally well educated.” 

AVN is a vibrant and welcoming learning community, committed to creating the best possible educational experience for every child.We aim to enable all children to reach their full potential.

We have a talented, dedicated, caring staff, who works very hard to ensure that the abilities of the children in our care are nurtured and carefully developed. Our teachers and teaching assistants are experienced and work as a team to make the school a  very special place, every day, for every child.
And as the cliché goes, last but not least, I expect all my AVNites  to focus on their cherished goals and strive hard to accomplish them transcending mediocrity and procrastination. As I say.
“ Be the best or different from the rest”… The choice is yours! Best wishes for a very eventful and productive academic session!

Message From The Desk Of Principal


Dear Parent / Guardian
AVN school is dedicated to providing the best learning opportunities for each and every student. The School Council, Parents Association, and staff are committed to providing the environment and resources that will empower all our students with the skill and social competencies that will enable them to flourish as they grow up in this new century.

The curriculum is ever evolving and has a progressive outlook with an intellectual rigor, where a sound foundation of critical thinking and articulation is laid in an environment that encourages curiosity and discovery and all this as you have fun. Discipline, character building, self-confidence, alertness, independent thinking, decisiveness,  de corps are the qualities we lay emphasis on. The school provides the child with ample opportunities to develop these. Your support and encouragement to participate in the varied school activities will enable your ward to benefit from everything that the school offers.
Finally, I request you to join us in ensuring that the child’s concept of self should never be trampled upon. He/She should be allowed to dream the impossible dream, for, if there is no dream – how can it ever come true!