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Water Park Visit

Home Water Park Visit

“As water nymphs and aquatic super heroes enjoy, our students did in Fun and Food Water Park.”

The students of AVN Senior Secondary School, Faridabad had a day of exuberance at Fun and Food Water Park, Gurugram on 23rd May, 2024. The school management organised the Picnic for the students of class VI to XII. The pupils enjoyed several awe- inspiring rides, challenged their own vigour and enjoyed some daring rides. They quenched their desire for water sport while slipping down the water slides. They
danced their feet off on the rhythm of the music. A lavish and extravagant meal was arranged for them. The students were under the supervision of experienced and caring teachers. The school management ensured the security of the students in every possible way including a qualified nurse, who accompanied them with an appropriate first aid box. The whole team returned exhilarated and revitalised in the
evening. This trip would be a memorable one for the students. The meticulous planning of the school authority
deserves special appreciation.